The solution begins with CO- (get a free pdf copy)

BY Fernando L. Mompó on 11 / 03 / 2014

The solution begins with Co- is our seminal book. Written by Alfons Cornella, founder of Co-Society, it gathers ideas and examples of why we think the road to a collaborative economy and society is inevitable; why the world is becoming a co-world, a world more collaborative, cooperative, co-creative, co-designed, and co-responsible.

We want to share this idea. This is why we share the book. Have a look to our Decalogue and if you find these ideas are interesting enough, follow the link below and download a free copy of The solution begins with Co-. We hope you enjoy it. We wish the reading sparks your collaborative cells.

  1. We are of an economy that for years has been hostage to the greed of a few
  2. But the business world is becoming an increasingly “co-” world.
  3. As a species, we either collaborate or perish, and the same is true for societies
  4. One of the obvious reasons why collaboration exists between companies is because there has always been “more outside than inside”.
  5. Whatever a company does and whatever a company knows, the knowledge available to it in the outside world is always greater than its own knowledge.
  6. Collaboration demands trust. And trust is frequently the result of the generosity from each side. The problem is, almost the entire theoretical/practical structure that we have in business management is based on the discourse of competition, not collaboration.
  7. The business world would do well to learn how people collaborate
  8. Technologies facilitating collaboration are constantly appearing
  9. But we do not posses the knowledge, tools or methods to do this. We still do not know how to systematically create conditions to generate trust between organizations.
  10. Wanting to collaborate was before a sign of good education; now it is perhaps a question of good economics, and social wellbeing.

The solution begins with CO-

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