
A relevant value of the co-society platform is the experience of attending co-innovation workshops. We held them on a regular basis throughout the year.

May 29th 2012

#10 co-session: The moment of co-startups

Think outside the box with the help of design students creating innovative services and products from potential hybridisations with Co-Society members.

March 2012

co-flash: DENMARK

The launching event of co-society in Denmark. With the participation of several innovative danish companies. Organized by our partner InnovationLab.

March 6th 2012

#09 co-session: Playing with problems to create value

Play with different companies’ problems and assets to create common values using Co-Society Co-Poker.

December 2011

co-flash: SWEDEN

A presentation of the co-innovation advantage, and the experience of co-society, to a group of public and private companies in Sweden, in the context of the launching of a Green Park. Done within an event of our partner KREO.

November 11th 2011

#08 co-session: Radical is normal

Learn about how our host HP innovates and what business opportunities are on offer to other Co-Society members.

September 8th & 9th 2011

#07 co-fest 2011: Intangible assets

Map knowledge and gaps on co-innovation in your organisation so Co-Society can serve you better in future Co-Sessions.

May 31st 2011

#06 co-session: Innovation roles beyond the innovation function

Learn how innovation is more productive when instead of an exclusive function it becomes a role taken on transversally through the whole organisation.

March 11st 2011

#05 co-session: The next step: leveraging co-

Discover what some Co-Society members have learnt over the last year: new methodologies and processes; new problems resolved and unresolved.

November 26th 2010

#04 co-session: The next step: leveraging co-.

Share your feedback and proposals about how you would like Co-Society to work and what your organisation can offer to other members.

October 7th & 8th 2010

#03 co-fest 2010: Connecting teams

Practice different kinds of conversation (structured, random, or set up) with Co-Society members to get to know each other much better.

May 5ft 2010

#02 co-session: Design thinking

Open your innovative mind by learning how dialectics can be applied to prospective projects and how to use Design Thinking as an innovation tool.

April 5ft 2010

#01 co-session: Wicked problems

Get to know the concept of Wicked Problems as a different way to look at markets and business opportunities.

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